The Cover Art Featured Video #CrateGreats

The STA&D Featured Track

The Greatest of The Latest News In Art, Design and More!

About STA&D

            I love hip hop not just because it's the culture I most identify with but most importantly becaue it played a large role in saving my lfe.

            I grew up in the same tough situations as a lot of poor kids of colour grew up in and had to grow up before I even had the chance to really be a kid but unlike  a lot of kids I knew who wound up dead or in prison my passion for music and in particular, for Hip Hop culture, saved my life.

            I got to live in the era of Hip Hop where the elements in unity were starting to disband and go their separate ways.  And if you can imagine the Hip Hop version of Harry Potter where they use the choosing hat, my house was Hip Hop music.

            I wrote a lot of Hip Hop songs in my early teens, and lived in production studios and did live shows (as a hype man 🤣) and so on and did graphic design for Hip Hop artists and more as time went on.

            I still love Hip Hop culture and the music still keeps my alive as it's one of the few things I truly enjoy.  It's my path.  I'm my most authentic self through Hip Hop music.

            STA&D has been many things over the past year as I tried to truly live my authenticity.  The earliest iterations of my company.  I thought that I had originally wanted to create a clothing brand but the freedom of pure uninfluenced creativity isn't to be found in an industry where individuality isn't the main agenda.  Fads and trends aren't my thing, and it's also the not Hip Hop.

            This new version of STA&D will be used to help other creatives and businesses find a way to ecpress their uniqueness to the world, employing the style that has made Hip Hop culture the most influential and most copied culture in the world today.

            This website represents everything I love about marketing/advertisng, music and art and design that make up who I am.  From my own personal style and tastes and my influences and inspirations and I hope you dig visiting and I hope you discover things here that you won't find anywhere else.


Simon Thompson.


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