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Monday, December 18, 2023

"Bump!" - The Downrock Records Merch Shop

            I've revised this print for the new website featuring dance music that I really started about five years ago but my higher mind was begging me to commit to again.

            The initial issue I had with this design was the fact that I couldn't really find a creative way to incorporate "The Downrock Records logo in the design, so I just figured out a way to sneak the text in.

            I think it works because I was able to get the name of the blog in a way that is natural to the design.  Boomboxes sometimes had the manufacturer's name on the handle.  So from a far way, you get the sense of what's going on and when you get up close it just becomes that much more apparent.  And it's effective because if you're curious you actually have to go up to the person wearing the shirt to read what's in the handle.  A great icebreaker, in a way.

Simon Thompson


Floral Print #CanvasSeries


            I don't even know where this print came from but I really liked it so I put my stamp on it and I'm claiming it as mine.

            I'm most likely going to print a couple of shirts up in the new year for the spring but most likely summer, because there just isn't a spring season anymore where you can get away with a t-shirt.  This would be dope a s hoody as well though.  We'll see.

Simon Thompson.